
What is it that rises up in us like a volcano of emotions, causing us to doubt our abilities, assuming the worst and paint a negative outlook? Fear.

I thought that fear rarely affected me. I thought I was almost immune to it. Sometimes though, we fool ourselves. It has certainly sent impulses through my body on occasion, but I’ve learned to recognize it. It’s a sinking feeling that comes over you all of a sudden when you are not expecting it. Everything goes dark, bleak and seems doomed for destruction. Don’t tell me you have never experienced this pit. Although, it’s not something I encounter often, I’ve definitely fought through seasons that seemed to drown me in these feelings of fear. 

In those seasons, I’ve written myself out of the fear. I’ve opened my journal and written words that at the time I had a difficult time believing. But I knew that deep down, somehow in the darkness, they were true. The following is a few of those words I used as I attempted to climb out of the valley…

We are not called to live in fear, but the light. We are called to a life that trusts in the Son of God, who has made a way out of the darkness. It takes bravery and faith to overcome those feelings. Merely learning to recognize fear and differentiate it from the other voices is the first step of faith. Many times we mistake fear for God’s voice, quickly assuming we shouldn’t move forward in something or that we should pull out. Don’t let fear become your excuse to not step out in certain waters. Allow God to take your hand when you make that step. And then cling to Him with all you have. Being desperate for Him is not a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of humility and ultimately trust. You must trust that your need for Him will be met with the Father’s unfathomable love and comfort. His goodness is found when you allow your mind to be at ease in His presence, forgetting the wind and waves and focusing on only the Prince of Peace.

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. -Philippians 4:7

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